Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lots of News

Okay so I have two bits of news today. First of all, my visa... Despite Sallie Mae's best attempts to derail the visa process, I was notified this evening that I have been approved for entry clearance. This was the longest and most stressful process I have been through in awhile. I am not going to celebrate yet though, when I get my passport in my hands and the visa is sufficently affixed inside, thats when I will break out the drinks.

Second bit of news, I got my offer of Accommodation from the University. It wasn't the new building like I expected but an old building in the center of town. A very VERY old building... the oldest residence hall in all of Scotland. I will be living in Patrick Geddes Hall, a beautiful old building located between the Royal Mile (best bars in town) and George's Street (the best shopping in town). I will be in a mixed sex flat, with what I read is the best views in all of Edinburgh. The best part- people can stay with me for up to 3 days! So if any of you are thinking about visiting, let me know, I pencil you in!

Well that's about all for today. Only 56 days 14hrs and 27 minutes to go!