Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Time!

Hello all!

I am sorry I haven't updated in a very long time. This term has been very busy for me academically and extra-curricularly (I know that's not a word) and sadly, this has fallen by the wayside. I am hoping to get it back up and running as soon as I get my current papers done. I have 2 left for this term and then my Dissertation due by August and then I am officially done!!!! :)

In the meantime, I thought you all could enjoy these photos from the last couple days here in Edinburgh. It is proof that contrary to popular belief sometimes the sun does shine!

Here you go:

Ta-Ta for now!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hello Again

Hi everyone!

I know I have been neglecting my blogging duties for awhile. The end of December and the month of January were a world wind of activities, I swear. Now its February, I am halfway through second term and I can't believe how fast everything is going.

So this term I have moved all my classes to one day a week. Tuesday I go to lectures from 9am to 4pm. It is cool to have it all at once because that means that I get it all out of the way, but it is tiring. I start with Theory, then look at a course on Domestic Governance and the European Union, and then I have a history course on WWII. I can't say I am absolutely in LOVE with my courses this term, but they are interesting enough I suppose and well, I only have 5 more weeks of them.

I am applying for the PhD program on Nationalism here in Edinburgh, but it means I will have to move to Sociology. I am a little worried that the change means I won't be the strongest of candidates, but hey, who knows. They let me in once, the might do it a second time. Plus by their system of grading right now I am considered passing with merit. There are three levels to passing, passing straight, passing with merit and passing with distinction. The course work has been very challenging so far, so I am excited I managed merit for last term. Maybe with the feedback I got on my essays I can work towards distinction.

Well I hate to cut this short but it is the middle of the night. I will post more soon about the rest of the stuff going on in my life.

Miss you all and love you!