Monday, November 9, 2009

So Tired

Well as you probably can guess from the title and my all-nighter the other night I am so sleepy today. I am sitting in on a class that is covering economic theory of the Euro, which is a bit much to take at 9am. My lecturer is fantastic though, so he keeps it interesting.

I tried to get to bed early last night, but was woken up three or four times by my American flatmate last night. She doesn't realize how loud she is, and the last time she woke me up, I was awake for 3.5hrs afterwords. I started reading my homework for Friday- which is also some research for one of my 4000 word essays. I am going to be writing about a rise of Euroskeptism in the British government and how that strengthens the demands for independence in Scotland. It should be interesting. By my schedule I have 10-11 days to complete the research and write the paper, so well, I don't have much time to get it done or enjoy reading about it.

I have to say I am absolutely freezing today. It was 28 degrees here when I left the house this morning, but now it has warmed up to a balmy 32 degrees. The expected high for the day is 48. Its very clear here right now. Since I have been here it has hardly rained at all. Instead we get very clear and cold weather most of the time. I don't know if I have enough clothes to keep myself warm!

Well, class is almost over. I will post more soon.

Miss you all! xx

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