Wednesday, November 4, 2009

So what have you been up to?

I am in the middle of writing three essays for the end of the month. Two are 100% of my final grade, the other is 75%. As you can probably guess, I am going a little nuts researching these papers. I am officially on a first name basis with most of the librarians here and I have closed the library for the last few nights. Today I did a grand tour of the fabulous libraries we have here, the National Library of Scotland that only lets in "Academics" and undergrads who can prove that the University library doesn't have the book they are looking for. The second library was the Uni Library, where I picked up a couple more books for the sport of it. Finally I wandered over to the law library, where I spent a good afternoon wandering through the stacks. I went home to say hello to the flatmates (because otherwise they would never see me at all) had some yummy chili and wandered back to the Uni library, where I am writing this post. I have a 169 word start for one of the papers, but I will need far far more than that when it comes down to it.

So what have you all been doing????

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