Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Things I love

Ok its really easy to be negative around here, especially now that deadlines are looming. Instead of listing out all the things around me that I want to change, I think it would be more productive and well cathartic to spell out the things that make me happy.

So in no particular order, here it goes:
Coming home to a clean room
Fresh Laundry
Freshly Cleaned Sheets
Warm Soup on cold days
Good Friends
Awesome teammates
The Best Flatmates
Differences in American and British words
Articles peppered with Theory
Articles devoid of theory but filled with actual politics
Getting assignments finished and turned in early
The view from my kitchen window
The view from my bedroom window
The view from my house back home
Pictures of my family
Skype on my mobile
Getting mail, especially care packages
Hill Climbing
The One O'Clock Cannon
Visiting new places
Looking forward to my Brussels trip with school
Looking forward to seeing my classmates every day
Pubs (sorry it has to be said)
Quiet nights at home
The ocean (no matter what side of the world it is on)
The Royal Botanical Gardens
The National Museum of Scotland
National Museums in general
Missing home
Remembering that it will still be there when I get back
Just generally being happy, healthy, loving and loved.

I could keep going but you all get the idea.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Time is going by so fast!

I can't believe I am actually typing this, but I am officially done with the first half of the first term here. Five weeks have passed since Fresher's week. I am five weeks away from Christmas break. I have relatively little homework to do in comparison to what I did with my undergraduate degree, but in the place of it, I have far more reading and more technical classes. I am loving every second of it.

Tonight I am working on a 1000 word essay, why does public policy outcomes on the same policy or issue vary between political systems? I know it seems technical, but it boils down to some very simple answers, there are different people, interests, economics and politics in different countries. In other words, policies are different because countries are different. Brilliant huh?

I miss everyone like crazy. I am starting to get very homesick, but I know that it too will pass. I love the people here, I love my friends I have made, my ultra-quiet flatmates, my professors and fellow students. I feel like I belong, even if I also stand out like a sore thumb. I want to go home and see my family and dogs but more than anything, I want to keep learning.

Well I better get back to the essay. I can't just argue my point without having done the reading to back it up.

Night guys!

Monday, October 19, 2009

In Inverness

Hello everyone,

I am in Inverness with my roommmate, who is unfortunately not feeling well tonight. We are here to bike to Loch Ness and to the Calloden battlefields tomorrow, however I don't know how far we will get. If it is raining we might just stay here and be lazy.

I brought my homework with me. I have an essay due in a week and unfortunately the reading list for it involves over 20 journal articles and at least 10 books. The best part is that we are expected to know what is written in those articles or we lose marks on the paper. I am knee deep in papers, tired, and fast getting cranky at this guy who keeps trying to read over my shoulder. I paid for half an hour of internet and I am planning to take it thank you.

I will try to get on tomorrow and keep you informed of our adventures. Hopefully Sophia will stop puking and we will get to some fun.

Good night all

Friday, October 16, 2009

Donations Needed

Hi everyone!

Ok I wouldn't normally do this, however it is for a good cause. I am taking donations (actually sponsorships) for a race I am doing. It is happening next weekend and it should be a blast. Check out the concept. You and two friends are stranded (in costume of course) three hours outside of town. Your mission is to be the first group to make it back to Edinburgh. Don't worry Mom, they have safety features set into the game.

All the proceeds from this are going to a charity that sends sick children to summer camp. If you are interested in helping me out, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate it!

You can drop me a line at

And don't worry, we will have plenty of pictures of this next weekend!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Photo Time!

Follow these links to more photos of Scotland than you can shake a stick at:

Edinburgh 1

Edinburgh 2

Edinburgh 3
