Sunday, August 30, 2009

Going Away Party

So I spent the majority of today cleaning for the going away party we had this evening. It was really fun to see so many people outside of work. Not everyone could make it, which I totally understand because the last thing I want to do on Sunday evening is think about people from work. Those who made it though were so fun!

Dad grilled hotdogs and hamburgers. Mom cooked potato salad and baked beans. Mae and Jess even made it with their SOs from Portland! I couldn't have been happier to see the two of them. I tell you, it was so hard to say goodbye to the two of them this evening. I feel like I am cheating on them by going back to Europe without them. And yet they are so happy for me that I can't help but be excited for myself. And I know that if I was lucky enough to find them in France, I will be lucky again in Scotland.

I feel blessed and loved. I am so lucky to have so many people to love and to think about when I go away. Coworkers and friends, family and loved ones.... how did I ever get so lucky?

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