Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So we are at 14 days and some odd hours until I leave. I can’t believe it is getting so close. I have been working on reading books for school, which have been relatively interesting. I have found it harder and harder to focus on them though, especially if someone is talking, the TV is on or there is music playing with words to it. I am going to have to practice getting back into reading shape when I get to Edinburgh.

I have two days of work left. I can’t believe it is getting so close. I am getting sad to think that I am leaving and that I won’t get to see my coworkers happy faces each day. I know that I am doing the right thing though, a strong breeze is blowing change back into my life. I can’t wait for my party this weekend. It will be so nice to spend time with some of my coworkers before I leave and it will be fun to see them outside of hospital scrubs. Plus we are having a barbecue and drinks, and that is always fun. I hope some of my friends from Portland can make it. I know it’s a bad weekend because of Hood to Coast but as long as they are already here, they might as well have some fun up on the hill.

So I guess I should talk a little about the preparations I have been making. I have been packing. It seems like I have been packing forever, but I am almost done. I have everything I could possibly need when I first get there and anything else I need can be sent or bought. I have a binder going with every piece of paper I have gotten about the trip, the school and my financials. I shall call it my brain since mine is out to lunch. Actually it has helped a great deal to have a place to put everything because I tell you what, I really cannot take anymore craziness right now. I think I am going to have to split the binder into two, one for travelling with and one to pack in my suitcase for the stuff I will need for school.

I got my offer for my housing. It is a very cool old building in the center of Edinburgh. I am really excited about it because I am sandwiched between the Royal Mile (where all the bars are) and George’s St (where all the shopping is). I cannot wait to see what my dorm room looks like, but I know that no matter what it is like, it is not the most important thing. I am going to focus on school and being prepared for classes more than on where I am going to sleep J. I know that will make my mom happy to hear!

I arrive in Edinburgh on September 11th and move into housing on the 12th. Orientation week (Fresher’s Week as they call it) starts on Monday the 14th. I will start classes the following Monday or Tuesday. It appears that I will have lots of appointments to go to before I start school. I have a seminar on the Scottish education system. I have an orientation to my program (European Union Politics and Law for those who are wondering) and I have to meet with my program director and chart out what classes I am going to take. In addition they want me to meet with a GP (what they call a Dr. over there) so that if I get sick, I will have access to their universal healthcare system. I have a party to attend with other international students, a reception for Taught Master students and so many more things that I am starting to wonder how I am going to make it to all these social gatherings. My birthday comes in the middle of the week and I am half excited to see what will happen that day and half scared that I won’t know anyone and will be out at a bar drinking by myself. My fallback for my birthday is that there is a French themed pub-crawl which could be very fun, especially if it gives me a chance to use my very rusty French. I think I can still order roller-skates for dinner.

Oh there is so much more I could write, but let’s be honest, if I tell you everything today, I will have nothing to write about tomorrow. And then what fun would that be???

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