Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yesterday's Post... Saying Goodbye

I meant to post this yesterday but somehow the blog monster ate it...

The theme of today has been finishing things. I finished my books for school (all five of them!!!!) and it was my last day of work. If only I could do this with my knitting projects! Actually all I have out right now is a scarf and a sweater I have been working on for my mom. I will do my best to get pictures of them up soon!

So I thought I would talk today about what is going to happen travel wise. On September 9 my mom and maybe my dad and I are going up to Seattle for the night. I am looking forward to the road trip! The next morning I fly out at 8:40am (which means at the airport by 6am- eek!). The first flight will take 5hrs and I will have a layover in Philadelphia. I get on another flight for 7hrs and it will take me to Manchester, UK. When I arrive there, I have to get my bags, go through customs and get to a train. This train will take me to Manchester Oxford Road station, where I will get on another train and travel to York. In York I change trains AGAIN and then ride it up to Edinburgh. I get there around 3pm, which is 7am West Coast time. It looks like my hostel is close to the train station though, so at least I won’t need to get a cab to get around. It’s kind of scary to think I am going over and there is no one to meet me on the other side like there is when you are an exchange student. No one will be looking for me to arrive until it’s time to pick up my keys to my apartment the next morning. But you can’t worry about things you can’t change and at least I am travelling to a country that speaks English this time. And I am not 21 anymore. I would like to think I have developed a brain since the last time I was in Europe.

I am so very excited for it to be my last day but I am sad too. Each time I see one of my coworkers I am reminded how lucky I am to have such great people around me. I know that Scotland will be hard pressed to produce better people then the ones I know here. I am sure that Sunday is going to be hard, I hate going away parties. I know that it will be good though because I cant imagine leaving without saying a proper goodbye to everyone.

Fresh starts come with finishing things.

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