Thursday, August 27, 2009

More Fun

I swear I spent half the morning on the phone to insurance companies today getting billing addresses. I really hate holding, but what I hate more is when you are holding for something stupid like a zip code. I mean really??? How hard is that? They should have an express line for people with simple questions and one for those who are more complicated. I suppose it wouldn’t work though because everyone would think that their question is a simple one. Ugh.

Tomorrow is my last day of work and I am really looking forward to being done. Unfortunately, I don’t think I am going to get any more sleep in days because I have so much to do and so little time. In fact I want to spend as much of my time as I can with my family and friends. I think it’s nice that my cousins have come to stay with my parents because that means there are more people in the house and there is a younger attitude all around. C starts 8th grade on September 8th so I will get to be around for her first day! I hope she likes her new school. I know that it has to be hard for her to move like she has.

I am thinking about what I still need to travel. I think the only thing I have left to get is a clothes line. Never underestimate the importance of one of those things, especially when you are travelling in hostels. I got my bags packed last night, and almost everything fits but think it may expand before I leave so I am going to go investigate getting some boxes. Even though I swore I wouldn’t do it, I think I am going to be shipping stuff to myself. Sweaters are going in one box for sure. Maybe I should send some yarn to myself as well. Wouldn’t that be a nice box to open?

Speaking of yarn, I cannot wait to go to the fair next week. I LOVE the state fair. I love the people selling things. I love the fried foods. The thing I LOVE the most though is the competitions. And that is not just because I enter them. I love looking at the things people have made, the hours of hard work that have gone into one quilt or one knitting project. I don’t think I entered anything this year that will take home any prizes, but I have been surprised in previous years and it’s better to be excited than disappointed. I think we are planning to go on September 3rd which is C’s birthday. She wants to get her nails done and her haircut that day, so I am afraid my fair experience might become beauty day, which wouldn’t be all together bad either. I would go before or after, but I really want to go with J and C and that is the only weekday J has off and the weekends are pretty much booked up. It wouldn’t be fair to go without J since she and I entered our work together.

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