Friday, September 25, 2009

Its all fun and games until someone drops the banana

Ok so I know I promised you a post about kilts. And I have a story ready to share, BUT I am still working on getting photos and doing fieldwork on Kilts so I am going to save it for another day. I promise, there will be a post about kilts with pictures in the near future.

In the meantime I thought I would tell you about the student sports clubs. It all started out with a societies fair. I was curious to see the very expensive but very well regarded gym so I found my way over to it (its across the city and up six hills, four flights of stairs and one very precarious road btw). I did this on my birthday because hey, what more fun can you have when you are broke and its your birthday??? So anyways, I went to the society fair. It was A MADHOUSE. There were over 100 sports present, everything from the skiing club to swing dancing to a sport called Shinty, which is apparently hockey without the rules. I wandered through the halls and gladly spoke to anyone handing me a flier. When I got the the archery club, I met a nice guy named Graeme who encouraged me to go down to the range to try it.

Ok so I have to admit here, I have found an interesting correlation between the danger of the sport and how good looking the guys who participate are here. Running had ok guys. Rugby guys are gorgeous. Archery is more towards the rugby side of the world. :) But that is not entirely why I signed up. I also really liked the feel of releasing the string and watching the arrow hurl towards the target. One could say I was hooked.

Yet joining a club and being accepted into the club are two entirely different things. Check out what the Hares and Hounds made their new students do:

Yep they made them dress up like superheros (Banana superheros) and run through town carrying what else? Bananas of course. I happened to be walking down the street taking pictures when this group jogged by. There was a lot of laughing and pointing involved.

So what was the embarrassing things did the archery club make us do? Well it involved a pub crawl and lots of drinking. I have pictures but I will save them for tomorrow.

Well class is starting so stay tuned. I have more to share.

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