Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Settling In and Birthday

Ok so I am going to start by apologizing to you all. I know you have been dying for word of me and I know you have been dying for pictures. Well here is word of me, but no pictures. Honestly I have been so busy that I haven't had much time for camera sightseeing, and more over, my camera and the batteries around here are not mixing well. As soon as I get my technical difficulties worked out, I will get back to you with some stunning pictures, I promise.

So what have I been doing for the past week??? What haven't I been doing, would be a better question. I arrived on Friday, got hopelessly lost looking for my hostel and then again for an internet cafe. I found Edinburgh to be charming, if not a bit hilly, which since then has only come to be over and over again the best first impression I have ever had. I called my mom, who was worried sick because my original phone card didn't work, and I had to get a new one.

Saturday I moved into my new "flat" which is of course on what we would call the 5th floor of the building. You see, in Europe, they have a quirky way of numbering floors with the first floor being the ground floor and the second being called the first... I live in room 407 and you can imagine my delight to have to carry all my stuff up four winding flights of stairs. I live in the ONE building on campus without a lift. But enough complaining, because I think I must have paid someone off without realizing it. I have the most beautiful room, with a view of the Divinity school's garden. It is at least two and half times the size of my roommates rooms, so I am darn lucky. I could totally fit a couch and a table in here if I could get it up the stairs. I moved in, and went out in search of goods for cooking and such.

Sunday, more shopping, interrupted by an International Student Welcome Ceremony. It was mostly a waste of time and a mob scene. I escaped to the library to find it closed. More shopping ensused.

Monday, I went back to the library and was sent across campus to the law library, who sent me back to my flat to get my passport. In heels of course. I went back, looked at the additional reading I was going to do, decided I didn't want to do it and went on a tour of the Royal Mile instead.

Tuesday, yesterday.... I went to all kinds of things. I started off the day with a campus tour, which took me to all the buildings I had already found. I then went to a yoga class, which was surprisingly hard. What travelling can do to a body! Then I went to "The Museum of Childhood" which was put together by a man who hated children. It was a museum filled with old toys, creepy figures of children and hard to read displays. I totally cut out early. I went to a trade fair at the student union and then to an induction ceremony in the building I will be graduating in next summer. They totally repeated everything from the meeting on Sunday. I finished out the day by going to an international relations pub quiz party where my team won dinner for four and two bottles of wine!

So whew! That brings me to today. I woke up and went to the doctor to register. I showed up for a couple fresher's week events, but unfortunately they were too full. So I went for a walk down to the sports center and helped a nun get safely to a church along the way. She promised to get me on God's good side for this year! Woohoo! Then I went over the the sports fair and talked to about a million clubs. I am trying Archery, Skiing and Ultimate Frisbee this weekend and something called Shinty next week. I figure why not. I spent the afternoon walking around the shopping on Prince's street and this evening out with my flatmates at a show.

As you can tell I am having a great time, but I miss everyone terribly. I have lots more I want to tell you, so tune in tomorrow, for my next post, "those who wear kilts and those who should never wear them again." Good night all!

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