Saturday, September 5, 2009

Where is the time going? I swear the last time I looked around it was September 1st and now it is September 5th! I have been so busy I think I might actually be in a time warp. So lets see, what has happened in the last few days?

Wednesday: I went to Portland and had a very yummy lunch with friends at Pastini's in Portland. I highly suggest eating there, its perfectly located next to the Guild theater and the food is FANTASTIC! I saw some of my friends from the running club, which was so fun! Thank you to Jeff H for putting the event together and to Rick, Kelly, Joe, Erika and Sarah for making it out to see me. It was wonderful to spend some time with you! Then I ran over to NE Portland and got my haircut. I added the picture above. Then I drove back to downtown, had coffee with Jessica (I miss you already!) and heard all about her impending trip to NC on Thursday. It sounds like she is going to have lots of fun! I went back to NE Portland to a doctor's appointment and then to dinner at PF Changs with mom.

Thursday: C's birthday and State Fair day! We went to the fair. I entered four knitting projects and got two 3rd places and two 2nd places. Jennifer got 1st with her crocheted pillow case. We wondered, we tried foods, we met bunnies... all in all it was a fantastic day! The best part was I finished packing when I got home that night!

Yesterday: I slept in and was lazy all morning. When I finally did get around to getting going, I went to lunch with my mom, Leslie and Leslie's daughter Sarah. Sarah just started law school at Lewis and Clark so it was interesting to hear about what she is up to. I went to the bank and to the post office. I picked up my new sunglasses and went by the Hospital to say hello to people. All in all it was just a good day around home.

So today we are having some of our old friends from Lake Oswego and Portland over for food and drinks. We have been cleaning and cooking all morning, but I think we are finally getting close to being done! I can't wait to see everyone again.

Well I best be running. I will post more later!


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