Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tonight's Topic: Don't Panic

Okay I am totally stealing a page out of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with this one. Tonight I am repeating the mantra don't panic. Don't panic that you are leaving the country in less than 36hrs. Don't panic that you are moving some place where you don't know a soul. Don't panic that you learned your blackberry phone doesn't know how to float. JUST DON'T PANIC....

Okay outburst over. As you might have guessed the last couple of days have been a little crazy. I got packing done Monday night. I cleaned and organized and repacked and called lots of customer service lines today. I washed my car and in the process my cell phone. I cleaned out the interior of the car so that every surface is squeaky clean. I swept the porch, the laundry room and a wall (we got our dryer replaced). As a matter of fact, the above outburst took the last bit of energy I had out of me. Do you know how hard it is to not panic. Its about as hard as getting back to sleep at 3am when you suddenly realize that you are leaving the day after tomorrow. Like THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW. CRAP.

So don't panic. Keep busy and do laundry and cleaning and packing and organizing and driving everyone around you nuts. Because at least if you are doing that, you can cover tired with, well I had a busy day.

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