Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Everything but the art final

So I had one big thing to do today, one thing that above everything else, has to be done. I have a final in an Art class I have been taking this summer that is due tomorrow. It isn't the quiz part of it that has been giving me problems, it is the essay portion that I simply cannot decide what to write. So today was the day. I got up early and stared at my computer. I watched Momma Mia and got Abba songs stuck in my head all day. No essay.

I got dressed, went down to see my mom for a second, and went and got a coffee. I sat at my computer and stared... then I picked up my knitting and got an impressive amount of rows done. Still no essay.

I looked at the clock. It was noon. I had nothing to say for the morning, nothing to show for the hours I had spent. No essay. Annoyed, I went down and checked on my sunglasses and contacts I ordered yesterday. I went to the outlet mall, and bought thank you notes. I bought long underwear and other unmentionables. I shopped at the travel shop (no clothes line there either) and got annoyed that they were offering a discount to seniors but not for students. I came home, realized that all the clothes I just bought were the wrong size. Still no essay.

I went back to the outlet mall. I even stopped at the library on the way to drop off my last required reading book. I went over to Warrenton and saw Sue. I determined that my suitcases were too empty and needed more stuff in them. I came home and sat and stared at the computer for awhile more.

I had dinner. Then I made a pompom and a scarf for a stuffed duck (don't ask). I packed up all the non essential things in my room and my bathroom. I even wrote thank you notes. And here I am now, 9:30pm, after over 15 hours of mulling on this project and I STILL DON'T HAVE AN ESSAY!

Is there any way I can do this day over again?

PS Is anyone else as excited it is September 1st as I am????

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